Sunday 27 August 2017

What is comparatively more healthy, an apple a day or an egg a day?

An egg. The old motto should be switched to an egg a day keeps the doctor way. Or maybe more accurately several eggs a day.

Eggs are a nutritional goldmine. The holy grail of foods. To me, they are almost perfect. The egg yolks contain amino acids essential for our survival, help control blood sugar, and have a good amount of protein. You can blend and mix them with so many other foods, and they’re still delicious. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are versatile. But what about cholesterol studies on people who eat one or a couple of eggs a day versus those who eat many documents that cholesterol levels remain pretty much constant. Dietary cholesterol does not convert directly into blood cholesterol, and most of the cholesterol (80%) is produced by our own liver anyway. So don’t worry too much about that. An apple has about 10 grams of sugar in it. Eating whole fruit is good because the fiber stays in tact, which slows down the release of glucose. This mitigates many of the negative effects of the sugar on your liver. FYI, this is exactly why fruit juice is bad and sometimes worse than drinking soda juice is packed with tons of sugar and stripped of fiber, which causes a higher spike of insulin and thus a more detrimental effect on your liver. Apples are good too, but I can only eat so many. I could sit around eating eggs all day, but I’m afraid to say that I couldn’t do the same with apples.

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