Wednesday 24 May 2017

10 Foods That Can Be Poisonous If Reheated

Food work as the fuel for your body and you may put your all efforts to have the healthy food. The foods you consume provide a range of nutrients, vitamins, fibre, protein and minerals which collectively help your body to run and to power our continued existence.
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May lot of you are in habit of storing food and then reheating it while consuming. But, research claimed that, some foods can turn into toxic elements after reheating. May the fact will surprise you, but don't worry.
Here is the list of 10 foods that you should avoid reheating to keep its nutrients values. 
The way most of you store rice can be toxic. The spores available in the raw rice can turned into bacteria and can lead to problems.
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Bacteria can multiply at the room temperature and may cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Potato may be the favorite food of most of you, but do you know the fact that, if reheated, Potatoes may lose their nutritional value.
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Toxic potatoes can cause illness or nausea, and food poisoning.

Spinach is highly rich in nitrates and iron just like other green leafy vegetables.
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If you reheat it, these nitrates can be turned into nitrites and other carcinogens which can lead to cancer in living tissue.
Some oils such as, walnut oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil and hazelnut oil have very low smoke points. 
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They may become rancid when you reheat them.
If you reheat eggs at a high temperature then you may making them poisonous.
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Eating such eggs may cause havoc in your digestive system.

Chicken is a rich source of protein which may impact negatively after reheating. 
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Consuming such chicken may cause digestive troubles to you.

Turnips also contain nitrates which can be toxic if reheated. Usually, turnips are being used in making soups.

Mushroom should be used on the same day they are cooked, as they are rich source of protein. When you reheat it, its structure will be changed that can be harmful to our body and can cause serious heart problems. 
Beets include high rate of nitrates which can convert into nitrites if reheated and can cause a lot of problems to you. 
As like beets, it also contains a high nitrate value. It can turn into nitrites after reheating and a high amount of nitrites increases the risk of methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder.

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