Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Foods Not To Eat Before Going To Bed

Foods to Eat and Foods To Avoid Before Going To Bed

The first rule of late-night feeding: don’t eat too much.
While expert says eating before bed doesn’t play a role in weight-gain, that pre-slumber snack could disturb your sleep.
“I tell people not to eat anything 3 hours before bedtime if they can avoid it, especially a big meal,” says Joseph Murray, M.D., a gastroenterologist with Mayo Clinic.
Murray says it takes about 3 hours for a normal person’s stomach to break down food and pass the partially digested results to the lower intestine. Climb into bed before your stomach has done its thing, and sleep can interrupt that process.
“Instead of grinding up food efficiently, the stomach can go into what we sometimes call its ‘housekeeping function,’ where it just tries to sweep everything away,” Murray explains. “It will dump solid or undigested food into the small intestine, which will have problems breaking down and absorbing everything.”
Murray says you may not be aware of any of this. But because your digestive system is still working its way through what you’ve eaten, your sleep may be disrupted—even if you don’t wake up.
“You might feel a little groggy or tired the next day,” he says, “but you may not attribute that to what you ate the night before.”
He says a small snack before bed is acceptable. But some foods are more likely to give you problems than others.
Here’s what to reach for—and what to avoid.

Don’t Eat: Chocolate
If you’re eating chocolate cake or cookies, you’re probably swallowing loads of sugar.
While that’s bad enough when it comes to your sleep, chocolate can also be a source of “hidden caffeine,” Murray explains.
Even though chocolate doesn’t contain much of the stuff, even a little caffeine can disturb or halt the sleep-inducing chemical processes going on in your brain and body before bedtime, he says.
Morse says many types of tea—and even decaf coffee—may also contain enough caffeine to keep you up if sipped before bed.

Do Eat: Banana
Bananas are mostly made up of fast-digesting carbs. And fast digestion is definitely your goal when you’re snacking before bed, says Erin Morse, R.D., chief clinical dietitian at UCLA Health.
“Bananas are also a good source of magnesium, which helps calm stress hormones and so can promote sleep,” Morse says.
Murray agrees that bananas are a safe pick.
Don’t Eat: Fatty Foods
Dietary fats take a long time to digest, Murray says. While that can be good news if you’re trying to stay full between meals, it’s exactly what you DON’T want before bed.
Milk, yogurt, avocado, nuts, ice cream, and butter are all bad news, he says. Ditto any kind of cooking or olive oil.
Maybe worst of all: cheese.
“The guy who gets home late and eats a load of pizza before bed—that’s not going to help him sleep well that night,” he says.

Do Eat: Whole Grains
Carbs eaten an hour or two before bed can help trigger the release of serotonin, melatonin, and other brain neurotransmitters that promote sleep, says Maxine Smith, a registered dietician at Cleveland Clinic.
She mentions 100-percent whole-grain crackers or bread and stovetop popcorn as healthy pre-bed carb choices. Again, you don’t want to go nuts. The more you eat, the more likely you are to toss and turn, she says.

Don’t Eat: Acidic Foods
Roughly 10 percent of younger men may suffer from acid reflux—but many of them don’t know it, Murray says.
“Common symptoms are a burning sensation in the back of your throat or in your chest,” he explains.
With reflux, the normal seal that keeps the contents of your stomach from bubbling up into your oesophagus and throat doesn’t do its job properly. And, as you might expect, lying down makes the problem worse, he says.
Spicy or fried foods, as well as tomato-based sauces (again, think pizza), are all very acidic, Smith adds. Take them off your pre-bed menu.

Do Eat: Eggs
If your stomach’s growling, protein is a great way to satisfy it.
Eggs are a good source of protein, and also a food your stomach should be able to process fairly quickly, Murray says. He says a scrambled egg may make its way through your gut more quickly than a hard boiled one.

Don’t Drink: Alcohol
Alcohol disturbs you normal sleep rhythms. You know this. But it’s worth repeating if you’re fond of a drink or three before bed.
“Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it prevents deep, sound, restorative sleep later in the night,” Smith says.
She recommends stopping at least a few hours before you sack out.
“If you’re going to drink alcohol, try to have it with dinner early in the evening,” Murray says. That way, it’s long gone by the time you hit the hay.

Do Eat: Kiwi
A 2017 stud from Norway linked eating kiwi before bed with improved sleep quality among a group of insomniacs.
Y“Because of some of the antioxidant compounds in kiwi, including serotonin, eating it led to faster sleep onset and improved sleep quality,” Morse says.
Both she and Smith say other types of fruit, including apples and berries, are healthy carb sources that are also probably safe to eat before bed.

Friday, 14 April 2017

How to Fix All Your Sleeping Problem According to Science

Fixed Your Sleeping Problem With Science

We spend about a third of our life sleeping. Both the quality of our night’s rest and our overall health depend directly on our sleep posture and on what we do before going to bed.
we have put together recommendations from top specialists on how to sleep properly to fix all of your health problems.
Shoulder pain

If you wake up with a sore shoulder, avoid sleeping on your side, especially on the painful shoulder. It is also not advised to sleep on your stomach since it causes misalignment of the shoulders.
The best sleeping posture is lying on your back. Put a thin pillow (an orthopaedic pillow will work best for you) under your head. Take another pillow, place it on your stomach, and hug it. Your shoulders will now be in the correct and stable position.
If you don’t like sleeping on your back, try lying on the side that is not painful. Draw your legs up slightly toward your chest, and place a pillow between your knees. Sleeping with your hand under your head is not advisable since it produces an unnatural position of the shoulder.
Sources: everyday health, home-remedies-for-you, mayoclinic.
Back pain

If you have back pain, maintaining the normal curves of your spine is very important. If your mattress is overly soft, it’s time to get a new one.
Sleeping on your back is probably the best position for you. Place a pillow under your knees to help restore natural spinal curves and reduce the tension in your tendons. You might also try a small rolled towel under your lower back for additional support.
If you’re a stomach sleeper, put a pillow under your lower abdomen and pelvis so that the small of your back doesn’t move forward.
If you like sleeping on your side, then it’s best to take the fetal position. Draw your legs up slightly toward your chest, keeping your back naturally arched. Put a small pillow between your knees. This can help you take the load off your lower back.

Sources: mayoclinic, sleepfoundation
Neck pain

Just like with back pain, your neck needs to be supported while you sleep.
In general, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your head and a pillow under each arm is the best option. People with neck problems should choose their pillows very carefully, and it’s best to go for orthopedic or roll pillows.
If you prefer to sleep on your side, make sure your pillow is not too high. It shouldn’t be thicker than 6 inches. Ideally, the height of your pillow should match the width of one shoulder to help keep your neck in the correct position.
If you’re a stomach sleeper, use the thinnest pillow you can find. It’s better not to sleep in this position at all since lying all night with your head turned to one side will strain your neck.
Sources: Journal of Pain Research, spine-health
Can’t fall asleep

It can be tough to banish phones and computers before bedtime, but you should. It really helps if you have trouble falling asleep. The light from screens affects our sleep-wake cycles.
Avoid consuming caffeine — coffee, energy drinks, soda, black tea, chocolate — at least 6 hours before going to bed.
Exercise in the morning and afternoon. This helps to tone your whole body, improves your blood circulation, and helps you fall asleep much faster.
Can’t stay asleep

If you often wake up in the middle of the night, you should not only stop using your gadgets before going to sleep but also avoid alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol disrupts the water balance in your body and affects your sleep cycle.
Moreover, check your room temperature. The ideal sleeping temperature is 20-22°ะก.

Sources: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse, Sleep Foundation, Science direct
Can’t wake up

Everyone seems to suffer from this problem, but, oddly enough, it’s very easy to solve. Set your alarm for the same time every day (even on the weekends). If you want to wake up early, you need to go to sleep early in the evening.
Sources: Tandfonline, Jstage, PubMed.

If you tend to snore, avoid sleeping on your back. In this position, throat tissues sag and your tongue falls backward into your throat narrowing the airway.
Choose your pillow carefully. Overly soft pillows can cause your head to tilt backward and increase snoring. Use an extra pillow or elevate the head of your bed a few inches to stop your tongue from falling back over your windpipe.
Sleep on your side. With your head lying in a natural position, nothing will restrict the airflow.
Do special exercises. Exercising the muscles of your tongue and throat can help strengthen them and reduce snoring.
Source: Harvard Medical School.
Leg cramps

Leg cramps are usually sudden spasms, or tightening, of muscles in the calf, feet, or thighs. Almost 80% of people suffer from this problem, regardless of age. Night leg cramps are most often related to some disease, nerve damage, or lack of trace elements. If you experience this condition too often, talk to your doctor.
One good way to stop leg cramps is to get the calf muscle stretched and strengthened. You can try doing yoga or massaging your legs before bedtime. Just remember: if you want to achieve good results, you should exercise regularly.

Sources: Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic
Other problems
Sleep disorders can be caused by many factors, from fatigue and uncomfortable shoes to problems with the digestive or nervous system. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the problem and advise on the treatment.

If you suffer from frequent heartburn it’s a good idea to lie on your left side while catching some z’s. The left-side sleeping position prevents stomach contents from coming back up into the oesophagus, preventing heartburn.
Do you have aching legs at night? Use a roll pillow or the foot of your bed to keep your legs lifted during sleep. The venous blood accumulated in your legs will run downward, and you’ll feel better. Also, try rubbing or lightly massaging your legs before retiring for the night, and avoid consuming caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

About Healthy life-style

Why to be Always Healthy ?

Eating healthy, being active, and feeling good about you are the key ingredients to having a healthy lifestyle. When a person eats healthy food, like one of their daily food groups in the food pyramid: grain, poultry, dairy, and etc. they will be able to have enough strength and energy to last them a whole day.

When you keep your body strong, well, and clean, you are being healthy. In order to be healthy, the person will have to eat the right kind of food, exercise daily, take a shower, keep him/herself clean, and stay well. People who are healthy are likely to have the background of being and staying drug free. Junk food is not one of the things people eat to be healthy. Eating junk food affects your body and can make you sick.

In order for a person to be healthy and stay healthy, they have to exercise daily, eat the right kinds of food, staying clean, and that person would feel good about themselves in the inside and outside. In the inside, they will feel good about themselves. That person won’t be worrying about their weight or how their appearance may look like because they feel beautiful in the inside just by staying healthy. In the outside, the person will feel good and strong. They will have a positive self-esteem about themselves. They can be able to do or achieve anything that comes into the person’s way without having negative thoughts.

If a person were to eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of soft drinks, and do things that could destroy their health, they are destroying their body. If they don’t eat the right kinds of food, exercise daily, and stay clean, they could kill themselves faster and they could easily catch a sickness and die from it, because they don’t have enough strength to fight the sickness. In their mind, they will have negative thoughts and not positive thoughts. They will put themselves down and also everyone around them, including their loved ones. They won’t have the strength to do anything, except just sleep, eat, and talk. In other words, they will become very lazy, because they won’t have enough energy to do anything.

So, in order to stay healthy, we have to eat the right kinds of food, exercise daily, and stay clean so that we can feel good about ourselves inside and outside. If we don’t eat healthy and stay healthy, we might become lazy or catch a sickness really fast and die. So, I leave you with this quote “ Healthy Me, I Feel Good”.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Why its Important to eat before Workout ?

Importance of Eating before Workout

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always looking for ways to improve their performance and achieve their goals.
Good nutrition can help your body perform better and recover faster after each workout.
Optimal nutrient intake prior to exercise will not only help you maximise your performance but also minimise muscle damage.

What to Eat Is Important ?
Fueling your body with the right nutrients prior to exercise will give you the energy and strength you need to perform better.
Each macronutrient has a specific role before a workout. However, the ratio in which you need to consume them varies by individual and the type of exercise .

Your muscles use the glucose from Carbohydrate for fuel.
For short- and high-intensity exercise, your muscle and liver stores of glycogen are your muscles’ main source of energy.
But for longer exercises, the degree to which carbs are used depends on several factors. These include the intensity, type of training and your overall diet .
Your muscles’ glycogen stores are limited. As these stores become depleted, your output and intensity diminish .
Studies have consistently shown the ability of carbs to increase glycogen stores and utilisation while boosting carb oxidation during exercise .
Carb loading, which involves consuming a high-carb diet for 1–7 days, is a well-known method to maximise glycogen stores.

Many studies have documented the potential of pre-workout protein consumption to improve athletic performance.
Consuming protein alone or with carbs prior to exercise has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis.

Benefits of eating protein before exercise include:
  • A better anabolic response, or muscle growth .
  • Improved muscle recovery .
  • Increased strength and lean body mass .
  • Increased muscle performance.

The Timing of Your Pre-Workout Meal Is Key
The timing of your meal  is also an important aspect of pre-exercise nutrition.
To maximise the results of your training, try to eat a complete meal containing carbs, protein and fat 2–3 hours before you exercise.
However, in some cases you may not be able to get in a full meal 2-3 hours before working out.
In that case, then you can still eat a decent pre-workout meal. Just keep in mind that the sooner you eat before your workout, the smaller and simpler the meal should be.
So if you eat 45–60 minutes prior to your workout, choose foods that are simple to digest and contain mainly carbs and some protein.
This will help prevent any stomach discomfort during exercise.
Summary: It’s recommended to consume a full meal 2-3 hours before your workout. For meals eaten sooner before your workout, choose simpler carbs and some protein.

Some Examples of Pre-Workout Meals

Which foods and how much to eat depends on the type, duration and intensity of the workout.
A good rule of thumb is to eat a mixture of carbs and protein prior to exercise.
If you eat fat with your pre-workout meal, then it should be consumed at least a few hours before your workout.
Here are some examples of balanced pre-workout meals:

If Your Workout Starts in 2–3 Hours or More
  • Sandwich on whole grain bread, lean protein and side salad.
  • Egg omelet and whole grain toast topped with avocado spread and a cup of fruit.
  • Lean protein, brown rice and roasted vegetables.
If Your Workout Starts Within 2 Hours
  • Protein smoothie made with milk, banana and mixed berries.
  • Whole-grain cereal and milk.
  • A cup of oatmeal topped with banana and sliced almonds.
  • Natural almond butter and fruit preserve sandwich on whole-grain bread.
If Your Workout Starts in 1 Hour or Less
  • Greek yogurt and fruit.
  • Nutrition bar with protein and wholesome ingredients.
  • A piece of fruit such as banana, orange or apple.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to eat many pre-workout meals at different times. Just choose one of these.
For best results, experiment with different timings and compositions of your pre-workout meal.

Breakfast Tips

Why Is Breakfast So Important?

During a busy morning, it's easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but taking just a few minutes to have something to eat can really make a difference to your day. If you don't have time to eat before leaving the house, we have lots of breakfast ideas that can be eaten on-the-go or when you get to work.

Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing
Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Nutritionists advise:
  • breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking
  • a healthy breakfast should provide calories in the range of 20-35% of your guideline daily allowance (GDA).

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.
Breakfast can be good for waistline too, research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

Cognitive function
Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many 
studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment, behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at it's best!

Energy needs
People's energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1740 kcals. For adults, men require approx. 2500 kcals and women approx. 2000 kcals per day.

Yoga For Life


What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing. The practice originated in India about 5,000 years ago, and has been adapted in other countries in a variety of ways. Yoga is now commonplace in leisure centres, health clubs, schools, hospitals and surgeries.

What are the health benefits of yoga?
Dozens of scientific trials of varying quality have been published on yoga. While there's scope for more rigorous studies on its health benefits, most studies suggest yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance. There's some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains – including lower back pain – depression and stress.

Does yoga contribute towards my 150 minutes of activity?
Most forms of yoga are not strenuous enough to count towards your 150 minutes of moderate activity, as set out by government guidelines. However, yoga does count as a strengthening exercise, and at least two sessions a week will help you meet the guidelines and muscles-strengthening activity.Activities such as yoga and tai chi are also recommended to older adults at risk of falls to help improve balance and co-ordination.

Can yoga help prevent falls?
Yes. Yoga improves balance by strengthening your lower body, in particular your ankles and knees, thereby reducing your chances of falling. However, falls  may sometimes be caused by a health condition, in which case it's a good idea to see your GP or visit a falls clinic at a local hospital.

Can yoga help with arthritis?
Yoga is popular with people with arthritis for its gentle way of promoting flexibility and strength. Some research suggests yoga can reduce pain and mobility problems in people with knee osteoarthritis. However, some yoga moves aren't suitable for people with the condition. Find a teacher who understands arthritis and can adapt movements for individual needs, especially if you have replacement joints. Check with a doctor or physiotherapist to find out if there are any movements to avoid.

Am I too old for yoga?
Definitely not. People often start yoga in their 70s, and many say they wish they had started sooner. There are yoga classes for every age group. Yoga is a form of exercise that can be enjoyed from childhood to your advanced years.

Do I have to be fit to do yoga?
No, you can join a class that's suitable for your fitness level. For example, to join a mixed ability yoga class, you need to be able to get up and down from the floor. Some yoga classes are chair-based.

Don't I need to be flexible to do yoga?
Not necessarily. Yoga will improve your flexibility and help you go beyond your normal range of movement, which may make performing your daily activities easier.

Can I injure myself doing yoga?
Yoga-related injuries are uncommon. Some injuries can be caused by repetitive strain or over stretching. But yoga is the same as any other exercise discipline. It is perfectly safe if taught properly by people who understand it and have experience. Learning from a qualified yoga teacher and choosing a class appropriate for your level will ensure you remain injury-free.

What style of yoga should I do?
There are many different styles of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. Some styles are more vigorous than others. Some may have a different area of emphasis, such as posture or breathing. Many yoga teachers develop their own practice by studying more than one style. No style is necessarily better or more authentic than any other. The key is to choose a class appropriate for your fitness level.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Cure any type of Fever naturally in just 30minutes...

Say bye bye to fever permanently from your life by using Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)

What is Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) ?

Giloy is one of the most important herbs to exist in Ayurveda. It is also known as Indian Tinospora or (Giloya/Guduchi) in Hindi. Giloy has often been called Amruta, the Indian name for nectar. It is used for a variety of purposes, especially when it comes to treating diseases.

In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which means ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundance of medicinal properties. Capsules are made from the pure herbal extract that is obtained from the plant, which has the botanical name, Tinospora cordifolia.
It has anti-pyretic, anti-arthritic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties. It aids in digestion and is also well-known as a highly effective blood purifier. It is used to treat many ailments such as cardiac debility, gout, anemia, leprosy, jaundice, as well as other serious diseases like cancer. In recent times, Giloy has become hugely popular due to its ability to cure swine flu.

Benefits of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)
1. Boosts Immunity:
The first and most important benefit of Giloy is its ability to boost immunity. It acts as a rejuvenating agent too. Giloy contains antioxidant properties that improve health and fight dangerous diseases. Giloy also removes toxins from both the kidneys and the liver and makes sure to flush out free radicals. In addition to all this, Giloy even fights bacteria that cause disease and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections.
2. Treats Chronic Fever:
Another benefit of Giloy is that it treats chronic fever and diseases. Since it is anti-pyretic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life threatening conditions. It increases the count of your blood platelets and alleviates symptoms of dengue fever as well. You may take a little extract of Giloy and combine it with honey. This will successfully treat malaria.
3. Boosts Digestion:
Giloy can also take care of your digestive system. This Giloy herb is popularly known for treating ailments of several kinds. In fact, you can use this simple remedy at home in order to maximize the results. Take half a gram of Giloy powder along with some amla regularly. Giloy juice can also be taken along with buttermilk in order to maximize the results. This remedy can be used for patients suffering from piles as well. In short, Giloy relaxes the mind and prevents indigestion
4. Diabetes:
If you suffer from diabetes, Giloy would definitely be effective for you. Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent. It can lower the levels of blood pressure and lipids. This makes it very easy to treat type 2 diabetes. Diabetic patients can also take Giloy juice in order to reduce high levels of blood sugar.
5.Eye Disorders:
Giloy can also be used to treat eye disorders. It boosts clarity and helps you see better without spectacles. In fact, in some parts of India, people do apply Giloy to the eyes. Just boil some of it in water, let it cool down and apply all over the eye lid. You will definitely see a change.
6. Reduces Signs Of Aging:
Giloy can also be used to treat signs of aging. It contains anti-aging properties that reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. It keeps your skin bright, young and beautiful.
 7.Is Giloy Safe For Kids?
Giloy is safe for children who are aged five years and above. However, doses shouldn’t be given for more than one to two weeks.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then it’s always better to avoid Giloy

Method of using Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)

1.Take  100 grams of Giloy stem, green and little soft, grind it well and then squeeze that mixture and make a juice
   drink that juice (fever will cure with in 30 minutes) you can drink it with honey also.

 2.If you get a dry stem of Giloy then boil the stem(100 grams) in water( 400ml) for 20 minutes, then remove the boiled water, let the water cool and then drink it (can drink it with honey also.)

If you are suffer from fever in ever month or every week, then what to do ?
Make a powder of dry Giloy stem and take 5gram of Giloy powder drink it with water every morning, you will see the amazing result in few months.

Did you like reading the article? Have you tried Giloy before? Let us know by commenting in the box below!