Thursday, 7 September 2017

5 Natural Home Remedies For Dark Lips

Best Home Remedies For Dark Lips

Are you wondering why your lips are suddenly not as pink as they used to be and are turning darker day by day? Well, worry not you are not alone. Unless it is genetic, several health, dietary and lifestyle factors can make your lips dark. If you smoke, you may have darker lips than your non-smoking friends. Sometimes, cosmetics may also have chemicals that can turn your lips dark. A vitamin deficiency may also lead to lip discoloration. Maintain a healthy diet and eat lots of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C to get rid of dark lips. It is also advisable to check the water quality at home. If your tap water is chlorinated it can also give you darker lips. Your lips are thrice as sensitive as your skin, and therefore they need more attention and care. Here are few natural home remedies to get rid of dark lips.

1. Lemon
Lemon has natural bleaching and exfoliating properties. You can either squeeze half a lemon and apply the juice directly on your lips daily or you can also take a thin slice of lemon, sprinkle a bit of sugar on top and rub it on your lips. It will exfoliate dead cells for a fresher skin to appear.
Squeeze half a lemon and apply the juice directly on your lips daily to get rid of dark lips.

2. Olive Oil

You may have known about olive oils benefits for your health, skin, and hair, but did you that it can also give you rosy pink lips and moisturize them too? Prepare you to own natural scrub by mixing one-half teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Scrub your lips gently with this mixture once a week for best results.

 One-half teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil can cut down lip pigmentation.

3. Rose Water
Rose water has several healing properties which can work well for soothing and moisturize your lips. Mix a drop of rose water with a teaspoon of honey and apply on your lips. Do this two to three times a day. You can also mix a tablespoon of rose petal paste and one teaspoon of butter, honey, or milk cream and apply the paste on your lips at least twice a day for best results.
rose water
Rose can work well for soothing and moisturize your lips and get rid of your dark lips
4. Pomegranate 
The pink fruit can also bring back the natural pinkish hue of your lips. Mix together a tablespoon of pomegranate juice, beetroot juice, and carrot juice. Apply it on your dark lips once daily, for best results.

Pomegranate also brings back the natural pinkish hue of your lips. 

5. Almond Oil
Almond oil can work wonders in making your lips supple and help you get rid of pigmentation. Apply the oil on your lips before bedtime. You can also mix lime juice with almond oil and apply to prevent darkening of lips.

Smile as wide as you can, for these handy tips can help you get back the lost pink hue of the lips naturally.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

6 Awesome benefits of drinking water in empty stomach

Benefits of drinking water in empty stomach

Pure and crystal clear water is the lifeline of the universe. All of us know the importance of hydration but have you ever stopped and thought about the benefits of water? Let us take a dive into the benefits of water. You will be amazed to know the plethora of benefits it has to offer. So, what are you waiting for?. As we know that our bodies are around 60% water, give or take.It is commonly recommended to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Water is itself very useful for our body and health but it's more beneficial if we will use it when our stomach will be empty. Let's jump to know the benefits:

1. For a healthy beginning of the day
We have been told almost by everybody from doctors to grandmoms and parents to the health experts and nutritionists that it is very healthy to drink water on an empty stomach. It not only clears the bowels but has other benefits too.
2. Flushes Toxins
It not only detoxifies the body but also reduces bloating and stimulates enzymes that regulate your digestive tract. Image courtesy: Pixabay
3. Stimulates Hunger
Just before the breakfast, drinking a glass of water can help increase your appetite and boost your metabolism. Image courtesy: Pixabay
4. Prevents Headache
It helps prevent dehydration and naturally fends off a headache. It also prevents bad breath and oral infections.
5. Energy Booster
It activates the RBC and as a result, levels of oxygen increases in the blood that keeps you energized all day.
6. Boosts Weight Loss
It flushes out toxins that decrease your metabolism and thus helps you burn more calories.
7. Clears Complexion
As it detoxifies your body; it naturally removes all dead cells and results in a clearer skin.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Health Benefits of Sleeping Without Clothes

Benefits of Sleeping Without Clothes

1. Better rest

No matter how thin it is, clothing limits your freedom of movement. Without it, on the other hand, you can move as freely as you like.
Although this effect is often overlooked, it produces an unconscious response that keeps you from sleeping as well as you should.

2. Fights the risk of infections

When you sleep without clothing, your body temperature is lower than when you do. As a result, bacteria have a harder time finding that warm home they need to survive in your body.
This is why we recommend that you sleep without clothes even during the wintertime: your sheets and blankets provide enough covers and you avoid the paradox of excess body heat during a time when more bacteria exists in the environment.

3. Burn more calorie

When you have good thermal regulation, your body is cooled in a way that activates hormones to generate body heat. In this way, you’re burning energy through a process that contributes to weight loss.
In addition, a good night’s rest reduces levels of anxiety. So when you’re stressed you tend to eat more, which means that sleeping without can cause you to eat less.

4. It keeps you young

As we just saw, the benefits of sleeping Without Clothes are highly related to lower body temperature levels. We have said more than once on our blog that cold protects your cells and slows down the process of aging. 
This occurs thanks to melatonin, a hormone responsible for preventing the degeneration of cells. On the other hand, it also improves the quality of your sleep.

5. Strengthens muscles and bones

When your body tries to regulate its temperature, it awakens your hormonal system, including growth hormones.
The benefits of sleeping Without Clothes in this regard is that this hormone enhances the functionality of your muscles and bones.

6. Improves circulation

We mentioned the lack of freedom of movement earlier, and now it should be clear that clothing oppresses your circulatory system, which directly affects your cardiovascular system.
In a sense, you can consider sleep to be a process of recovering healthy blood flow.